Also Known As:
Satyr (Primarily Male), Faun (Both male and female), Glaistig (Female Only), Pane
Physical Appearance
Satyrs (Primarily Male)
Satyrs are most commonly described as having the upper half of a man and the lower half of a goat. They are also described as possessing a long thick tail, either that of a goat or a horse. Mature satyrs are often depicted with goat's horns, while juveniles are often shown with bony nubs on their foreheads. Sex/nature creatures of the woodlands, plains, water and air., very libidinous followers of the wild lord. Satyrs are thought to be called into existence by the sexual energy of earth itself.
Nobody, including Satyrs, knows where they come from. About small to average height with no more than average human musculature. They do not tend to fatten but stay nice and lean. They have pointed ears, the horns and legs of goats with otherwise generally human features. .
Fauns (Can be both Male and Female)
Fauns are the sons and daughters of Fauna and Faunus. They are not quite as large as the Satyrs. Although they have the head and torso of a human, their bottom half is that of a deer. Their horns can range from small horn nubs to a full set of antlers. Although they can have the same lascivious nature of the satyrs they are calmer in nature.
Glaistig: (Female)
The Glaistig is an Anthromorph. Beautiful and dangerous. They have the upper body of a human woman. and the lower body of a goat. Legends vary on the Glaistig from having no horns at all to a wicked set of horns. These creatures are said to act as muses to Artists and musicians. Some lore says that they feed upon the blood of their victims similar to a vampire.
Pane: (Very rare)
The Panes are the Satyr-kin that roam the high mountain regions. They are said to closely resemble the Satyr, except that they also have the head of a goat.
The Satyr-kin are all fiercely proud. They are versed in the magic of the woodlands and have the ability to speak with the creatures of nature. Led by their passions, they give their all to whatever that passion it is. Due to their affinity to Nature, most of the Satyr-kin lean towards professions as Artisan, Bard, Entertainer, Laymen, Druid, Ranger, Healer, Thief, or Mages. They can use their abilities with music and dance to seduce other races.
Scent of Satyr
Of all the races within the lands, the Satyrs are highly sexual beings. They are very well endowed and one must assume caution when bedding down with a Satyr. The stamina they have could possibly cause damage to mere mortals! Pheromones play a key role for the Satyr. There's no smell or taste when they are released it can be controlled, but most of the times it's simply there. The only time the scent flows uncontrolled is when rutting season occurs.
It oozes from the very being of these gentle creatures and can fill an area around them that reaches as far as five (5) meters. Even if they are outside, the elements, no matter what the conditions may be, it will not disrupt the flow. The substance itself, is unknown. The Mages have not been able to collect samples and thus, testing is just not possible. Observations of other races who have been near the Satyr's, has shown a variety of outcomes from love and intense sexuality in both males and females to a fierce, rugged temper in males only. Why these different reactions? No one knows.
PLEASE NOTE: The pheromones can get nearby people horny (or aggressive) but how each individual acts that out is up to them.
Getting horny doesn't instantly mean sex. Or at the least, not sex with the Satyr.
The effects of the Satyr pheromone is very primordial and the only thing sure about it, is that the overall effect is sexual, making those within distance, aroused though it will vary greatly from person to person and from time to time. In some people it has no effect at all.
RP note: its effects on both sexes require OOC consent. It cannot be used to circumvent the existing rules requiring OOC consent. Nor can the simple presence of a Satyr be seen as an ongoing harassment of another character and so circumventing the rules concerning fights requiring OOC consent. The degree of effectiveness will also be at the discretion of the player as OOC consent is still required and so, if they want to try and cast a spell, their fate will dangle as the pheromones tickle their senses. It is, on rare occasions, quite possible for the Satyr to run into such a being that just wasn't affected by his Pheromones, be it male or female.
Favored Son of Nature
Satyr are hedonistic as a whole, and thus tend to enjoy all the many delights nature has to offer. In turn, Gaea rewards them for their fearless pursuit of pleasure by making them have a higher tolerance to the negative effects of her progeny.
In short, a satyr seldom suffers ill effects from disease or poisons for very long.
This is not to say that they do not get drunk. After all, what kind of life would that be?
They just do not get hangovers! If a satyr would be harmed by a natural poison or disease (this excludes magics that might inflict such effects on them, of course AND all potions), they are, just for short periods of time compared to other races. Though, the Satyr will still under go the psychological effects of such things.
Must have sex at least once a moon cycle or some illness will result. The effect varies with individuals and increases over time. Generally it manifests as irritability followed and compounded by feelings of generalized discomfort and nervousness. If left to go for too long for unspecified periods of time, it can result in physical pain and confusion, which leads right into unexplained, aggressive behavior. It is not known whether a Satyr can die from it.
Music is also a weakness of the satyr-kin. It can be used to control them and tame their passions. This is a dangerous thing to attempt because Satyr-kin do have a very keen ear for music, so it should only be attempted by a master.
Suggested Sites
Monstrous Satyrs
Faun Mythology
Other Sites
Puck mythology
Faun or Satyr?
Difference between Fauns and Satyrs
Satyrs (Satyri) in Greek mythology are half-man half-beast nature spirits that haunted the woods and mountains, companions of Pan and Dionysus. Although they are not mentioned in Homer, in a fragment of Hesiod they are called brothers of the mountain nymphs and Kuretes, and an idle and worthless race. They are strongly connected with the cult of Dionysus. Satyrs are male followers, the female followers of Dionysus are maenads.
In Seamaide:
Satyrs and their cousins see themselves as necessary parts of the nature they inhabit. They are not, however, stewards, like elves but rather see themselves as promoters/facilitators of natures natural processes and fruitfulness. Satyrs believe that having sex is the main activity in which they promote all of nature’s fruitfulness.
The highest and most moral life for a Satyrs to live as a wild creature who guarantees the fruitfulness of a certain small area. They believe that sex promotes fruitfulness of nature in their area Satyrs genuinely love all women unreservedly and will also protect them from harm to the small limit of their abilities while they are in their territory. Children, the sick, weak and old similarly will be protected.
The hard realities of their own characteristics makes life difficult and sometimes fatal for Satyrs, who are otherwise thought to be immortal.
No one knows quite how Gaea knows when an area has lost its Satyr but they are quickly replaced.
Satyrs do compete to see who will be the Shepard in that territory. The competition is not violent but performance based. Gaea is the final judge here, the means by which she does so is a closely guarded secret of the Satyr religion. The losers must accept gracefully and there are always other positions within the herd .
While it is recognized that sexual prowess is a main factor here it is also known that Gaea can and often does allow many other factors to enter into her final decision. Satyrs do not regard their differing lifestyles as matters of status.
There are “town” Satyrs, these live in the town and at the Inn, enjoying the laws protection which prohibits their murder or harm. Laws, however, are made to be broken, and these Satyrs are the one’s who cultivate grace and charm to survive.
Satyrs seldom wear clothing, even in the coldest weather. Horn size among Satyrs does not, contrary to popular belief, indicate virility or social standing. However, they make little effort to discourage this belief.
Satyrs have a very real taboo against taboos themselves. Satyrs compete with each other in sometimes doing outlandish things just to show that they have no prejudices or preconceived notions of what is proper behavior. This makes it very difficult to make any very general statements about Satyr’s behavior as they often take positive delight in playing against type. (This is sometimes carried to the length that a Satyr will be conservative or stodgy in outlook just to confound his fellows or the general public.)
Satyrs are generally creatures of appetite. Their great stamina is a general characteristic when applied to any form of pleasure. Sexuality is always first and foremost but few races can match Satyrs in the enjoyment of good food, strong drink or pleasant companions either.
While this endurance is markedly absent from their fighting ability they are generally famous for an admirable, if sometimes comical, tendency to have courage far exceeding their abilities.
Additionally, they are justly famed for their genial personalities.
As well as their main talent they are also often good musicians and gifted entertainers. While they are terrible fighters generally, a sex match between a Satyr and a strong Nymph would be a promoter's dream.